February 27, 2008


So, after bath-time the other night, Rebecca disappeared.  I heard the bath toys banging on the tub, so I assumed Rebecca was standing by the tub and playing.  I went to check on her (since she's not supposed to be in the bathroom anyways).  This is what I found.  I'm not sure why she didn't smile for the camera-- perhaps because she knew I was going to make her get out of the tub.  I thought this was proof that Rebecca really loves to take a bath.  

February 15, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day!

David and Rebecca made cards for Ganon for Valentine's Day.  They made handprints and used homemade potato stamps to add extra hearts and flowers.  They had tons of fun, but David struggled with keeping the cards a secret until Valentine's Day (he struggles with surprises like his mother).  We also made heart-shaped sugar cookies.  David didn't want to help decorate, but he wanted to make sure they all tasted good.  The tricky part was that I didn't have a heart cookie cutter, so I had to free-hand them.  I guess it makes every heart unique.  It was fun doing crafty things with a purpose.

February 10, 2008

Sledding with Dad

Saturday was the warmest day of the year (somewhere in the low 40's), so we took a break from life and went sledding.  The school by our house has some great hills.  David and Rebecca had so much fun taking turns going down the hill with us.  They had so much fun that Rebecca fell asleep on the short walk home.  It was good to get some sun and some exercise as a family.  Ganon says that snow is much more fun with children.

February 6, 2008

Fun in the Snow

It is amazing how refreshing Sunlight can be.  Monday was actually above freezing, so the kiddos and I decided to spend some time outside.  This first picture is of the hole I dug to show how deep the snow is in the backyard.  
I built a small tunnel in the snow.  Both kids thought it was pretty great.  Before it was done, though, David wanted to see if it could also be a bridge.  
Unfortunately, it collapsed.  David was a little bit upset, but we were able to use the fallen snow to make a cool slide for the sled.  

Both David and Rebecca enjoyed riding in the sled.  Then, David wanted to make snow angels.

This is the first time all winter that he has been willing to wear his snow "plane jump-suit" and boots, so he was able to enjoy being in the snow for much longer. All in all, it was a fun outing. We are looking forward to more "warm" spells in the future.

February 4, 2008

Bath-time Blessings

I just wanted everyone to know that on those especially grumpy days when you're sure nothing else could go wrong, Heavenly Father will give you a bright spot to cherish. You just have to look for it. This happened to me on Saturday. Let me just say that it was not a very fun day, but, miraculously, David decided that he Wanted to take a bath. He and Rebecca had so much fun. I'm sure that there was more water on the floor than there was in the tub by the time they finished. I'm just grateful that the usually torturous task of bathing David was actually pleasant (until time to get out...of course). I know that Heavenly Father answers our prayers.