March 21, 2008

Got a Job...

     Just under two years ago Heidi and I felt impressed that I needed to go back to school. We decided that even though it represented a huge change in direction for us, I needed to study accounting. This was not an easy decision. Working in TV and film has been a dream of mine since I was a boy. Still, as a man I felt that my family was where my happiness lay. We began school and have worked hard learning new skills.
     About one month ago a friend of mine sent me an email about a brand new position at BYU's public television station KBYU. The job called for someone with a few years of TV production experience who also new how to use the company's fancy accounting program to make budget's and keep track of costs. An accountant with TV production skills? I can't imagine that there are too many of us out there. Although this once again represented a paradigm shift for us we prayed about it and felt that the job was made for us.
     To abbreviate an otherwise lengthy story, we applied and we got the job! Hooray! Now I will finish the semester at Weber, start my new job, find a place to live in Provo and get ready for Heidi to have our third child some time mid-April. These are some of the many adventures that lie at our doorstep. 
     We feel that Heavenly Father has been watching over our little family and has taken great care of us. Thanks to those of you who said quiet prayers for us that we might be able to get this new job. This is going to be fun.

Easter Egg Hunt

Today we had an Easter Egg Hunt at Jon and Cathy's house.  All of the eggs were numbered so everyone would end up with the same number of eggs.  Each child  was assigned a number and could only pick up eggs with that number on it.  David was somewhat distraught because he was assigned #2- instead of #3.  Right now everything comes in threes for him because that is how old he is.  Anyhow, it appeared that all of the cousins had a fun time finding their eggs and then helping each other.  Rebecca found all of the eggs with #1, but she was upset when I wouldn't let her keep the 10,11,12, and 13 even though they had a #1 on them as well.  In order to help the children remember the reason we celebrate Easter, each child had one egg with a picture of Christ and one empty egg symbolizing the empty tomb.  Then we dyed eggs and enjoyed a delicious lunch.  This has become a fun tradition that our family definitely looks forward to.

March 20, 2008

Last Day of Winter

The last day of winter was also the warmest day of the year. We decided to take advantage of it (since it was supposed to snow today). The kids and I went to the park. Here are a few cute pictures of them. 

"I'm a Monkey!"


March 13, 2008

...The Rain

This morning David and Rebecca decided that it would be fun to take a few umbrellas out and splash in the puddles on our driveway.  I was grateful that the precipitation was Rain and not Snow.  I have really appreciated the warmer weather that we've been having.  It's amazing how nice 45 degrees can feel.  

March 7, 2008

I can see clearly now...

We wanted to give an update on Rebecca.  Rebecca had surgery on her eyelid yesterday.  Everything went smoothly, and Rebecca handled everything with very few tears.  She was a brave little girl who won the hearts of the hospital staff.  Rebecca had to have a patch on her eye all day yesterday, but we were able to take it off this morning.  We are pleased with the results and look forward to when the swelling and bruises are all gone.  Aside from hating the regular lubrication sessions to keep her eye from drying out, Rebecca is back to her cheerful self.  We are grateful for the miracles of modern medicine and know that Heavenly Father has helped us through.