(Bryce Canyon)
We had a wonderful vacation at the beginning of May. We started out by spending a few days in SoCal with Aunty Pat and family. It was fun to visit with Chrissy, Ted, and Brandon. We were happy to see Aunty Pat doing so well. We also made a stop at the beach (the kids' first time seeing the ocean).(SoCal Beach)
Our next stop was Red Rock Canyon on the outskirts of Las Vegas. I thought it was a beautiful side of Las Vegas. After one night there we headed for Zion National Park.(Las Vegas)
Located in Southern Utah, Zion is the middle step of the Grand Staircase made up of Bryce Canyon, Zion, and the Grand Canyon. We were able to camp inside the Park next to Watchman Peak.
Zion has a shuttle system that runs during the summer. We got on a bus at the Visitor's Center (about 100 yards from camp) and it took us to all of the major scenic views and trails.
After two nights at Zion we moved on (through a 1.1 mile tunnel) to Bryce Canyon. This canyon was called Ebenezer Bryce's Canyon-- after an early LDS settler. As the top step of the Grand Staircase, Bryce is 8,000-10,000 feet in elevation. Following the advice of my father, we opted for the cabins instead of the tent for the two nights. I think the morning low was about 27*. Thank goodness for indoor heat. As we went exploring David loved running from one lookout to the next. Our campsite was fifteen miles from the Park, but it was only 3 miles from Red Canyon Park. It was fun to let David look at the peaks from the ground instead of the cliffs.

Ganon with the kids pretending to be mountains. This is a shot of the Three Patriarch's-- Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob from left to right with Jacob being the white peak behind Mount Moroni. (Zion)
Us at Zion with Gram, Papa, and Aunty Becca. Behind us is the Great White Throne (and something else with a name)... (Zion)
This is us in Red Canyon. I love cameras with timers.