October 31, 2018

10/31/18 Halloween

This morning Peter shared some of his sidewalk chalk with Sarah, TJ and Joseph.

Heidi and I spent time with Brother Turner cutting the wood into the right shapes for the Cub Scout stool kits. Roger from Home Depot kindly donated the wood we needed for the project.

Rebecca wore her Hawaiian outfit to school today.

This evening, Heidi and I took the kids plus Becca B trick or treating. It is amazing how many kids come into the neighborhood to trick or treat. It is nice to have a place to live that feels so safe and welcoming.

October 30, 2018

10/30/18 Roadside Assistance

This morning Heidi went to Sharon's rescue, helping her replace her car battery.

Then she came home and helped park the motorhome back in the side yard. We put wood under the tires to hopefully avoid some of the trouble we had with mud in October.

Today was Sarah's third day of Softball. She is having a blast.

October 29, 2018

10/29/18 Heidi's Hurt Toe

Heidi's toe got scrapped by the door as she was opening it. Ouch! Poor thing I hope she gets better soon.

For FHE we taught the kids about the family history roots related to Halloween.

October 28, 2018

10/28/18 Peter Presents

This morning Peter was out early trying out his new sidewalk chalk.

Later on, Brother Postert brought a gift for Peter.

It is a car that has little faces on it. Peter was telling me all about how the car is feeling.

October 27, 2018

10/27/18 Peter's 4th Birthday

We told Peter that he was getting this big box for his birthday. He loved it!

He also loves his green bike from Gram and Papa and Mom and Dad.

David overcame his fears and went with me to his robotics competition.

They had some setbacks . . .

But in the end they emerged victorious, taking first place for the day.

David and I then spent 3 hours at the library 3D printing a gift for Rushton to give his mother.

It's a Christmas house.

Peter's good friend Alex came to his party.

Joseph is also a fan.

Grammie and Grandpa Mangum got Peter a Pikachu pokemon.

Becca B got him sidewalk chalk. He's been using it already.

October 26, 2018

10/26/18 Sealings at the Phoenix Temple

Today was out last anticipated trip to the Phoenix temple for a while. We had a whole room full of people helping us do sealings for our ancestors.

Heidi picked up hardware today for the Cub's stool project.

October 25, 2018

10/25/18 Cub Stool Plans

Sarah got another hit at softball.

Rebecca dressed as a Hawaiian for Heritage trunk or treat.

October 24, 2018

October 23, 2018

10/23/18 Halloween Carnival

This morning Peter and I took a walk to the park this morning.

While Heidi picked up something for her Mom at the mall Peter and I rode the escalator. He said to me "Dad, over there is some stairs that are going all by thereselves!"

Sarah had fun at girl's Primary Softball.

Heidi snapped this great shot of her rounding the bases.

This evening we took our Minions and Becca B to the neighborhood Halloween Carnival.

Heidi helped run the archery booth.

Rebecca and TJ with Judy and Jill Hinton the butterflies.