September 29, 2008

Harvest Season

I think I understand more now why families all worked together during the Harvest Season.  I have felt overwhelmed with the amount of work that goes into preserving food for the coming winter.  We have fruit that I can't can quick enough.  It is also difficult when we can't seem to get over being sick.  After ten days of vomiting, we have now made it 48 hours without anyone getting sick.  Horray!!!  So these two reasons are why I haven't been blogging lately.  We're sorry that we have shared our sickness with others, but we're glad that we were able to share some of our fruit.  We hope all of you are enjoying this beautiful Autumn Season.  

September 10, 2008

Happy 5 Month Birthday!

Today Sarah is 5 months old.  In celebration, she rolled over all by herself (from her front to her back).  She wins for earliest roller out of our three children.  We'll see if she masters rolling from her back to her front.  The other two never did this.  She is quite pleased with this new skill as long as you don't make her do it too many times in a row.  Here's a video of her new accomplishment.


By the way, sorry that we haven't had very many pictures of Sarah-- she spends a lot of her day on my back so it's hard to take pictures of her.

September 7, 2008

BYU Botany Pond

Every week our ward mother's group gathers together and hangs out for an hour or two.  This week we went to the BYU Botany Pond.  It's a little pond with lots of ducks (like 50 or 60 Hungry Ducks).  It is nice to know that there are still ducks here at BYU even though they filled in the stream that used to go through the housing area where Ganon and I met/ fell in love/ got engaged, etc.  Anyhow, I thought I'd share a few pictures of the kiddos.  

(This little family of ducks had ten babies.  They crossed the street back and forth three or four times while we were there.  It was interesting to watch the cars stop and wait and then the ducks stopped too.  Apparently the drivers aren't used to driving on roads with ducks.)