September 29, 2008

Harvest Season

I think I understand more now why families all worked together during the Harvest Season.  I have felt overwhelmed with the amount of work that goes into preserving food for the coming winter.  We have fruit that I can't can quick enough.  It is also difficult when we can't seem to get over being sick.  After ten days of vomiting, we have now made it 48 hours without anyone getting sick.  Horray!!!  So these two reasons are why I haven't been blogging lately.  We're sorry that we have shared our sickness with others, but we're glad that we were able to share some of our fruit.  We hope all of you are enjoying this beautiful Autumn Season.  


  1. I know that it is hard work to can fruit and that is probably why we never to anything with our apples. Glad to hear you are doing better than us and certainly hope that the kids and fam are over that illness.
    Hope we passed along enough of the canning jars. We certainly weren't using them here.

  2. I'm so sorry that your family has been so ill! Was it a stomach flu or just maybe something that everyone was eating? Anyway I hope that it's long gone. I remember those awful time when we were all so sick and of course we Moms never really get to just be sick, we still have to take of the kiddos and dad.
    Love you,
    Auntie Pat

  3. Good news that the illness may be on the wane. We are in western Massachusetts today. Little villages dotting the countryside are holding " Harvest Festivals" Roadside stands are loaded with pumpkins, squash and a variety of other fruits of their gardens. Mom, Becca and I are greatly enjoying this opportunity to be in New England this autumn. In this RV park golden leaves are quietly falling around Bigfoot. We look forward to having some of your famous canned fruit when we get back to UT.

  4. We are glad you are feeling better. We are really happy we had a chance to visit with you over Conference weekend. We love your new home with that wonderful fenced yard. Love, Mom & Dad
