April 27, 2010

April Excitement

April continues to be a busy month. During General Conference and Easter Weekend we went up to West Valley. We had an Easter Egg Hunt and celebrated Sarah's 2nd Birthday. (Sorry, we don't have any pictures because our camera was in the car and I was too large-with-child to go get it.) Sarah got an almost-life-size Dora doll and a fun book. She was pretty excited. We decided to celebrate early since I was planning on being in the hospital on Sarah's actual birthday.

David, Rebecca, and Sarah continue to adjust to life with a little brother. They are glad that Mommy continues to feel better too.

While Ganon was home to help with Tommy, he taught David to ride his bike without training wheels. David has been so excited and continues to practice whenever I let him.

Tommy continues to eat and sleep, but not as predictably now. I think he's going through a growth spurt. He is still pretty easy-going, but has found the volume control on his voice box. He can cry pretty loud now, but he doesn't cry for long. We love having him here. He definitely adds to the excitement of life.


  1. I can't believe how much your family has grown!! David is getting so big and Sarah - 2 already? Seems like you were just announcing that you were expecting her!
    So glad to see that everyone is happy and well!

  2. Your children are all so beautiful! I'm impressed that David can already ride a two-wheeler. I can remember learning that skill with help from my big brother, your father-in-law / Ganon's dad! And, Tommy looks like such a boy already!

  3. He is a beautiful baby! He will soon be great company for David when he's not driving him crazy. What a great family!
    Auntie Pat

  4. Look at the size of Tommy's hands! Could be basketball hands. But I'm still pulling for a baseball grandson.It needn't be one or the other. What's wrong with a three sport letterman?

  5. 3 sport? baseball, basketball, and ???

  6. I was also impressed with Tommys large hands! he will be such fun to watch grow.
    And Good Job David on your two wheeler bike, what a big boy you are already.
    Love you all!!!
    Auntie Pat

  7. Wonderful pic's. Cute, beautiful, handsome, sweet, and sooo hug-able.
    Riding a two wheeler can be a challenge. I am glad he is doing so well and enjoys it. Love,

  8. Fun photo update. Your photo of Tommy (posed one) seems to have his fluff under control. Did you make it that way or is it lying down on its own now? Tell David congrats on riding without training wheels, James is still yet to master that skill. He got brave enough to take off the training wheels but then his bike got a flat tire. Maybe this summer.

  9. What an adorable baby boy with gorgeous lush hair! And since when has baby Sara grown up to two? Nice work, Mom:)

  10. I can't believe how blond Sara is now. Who do you think Thomas looks most like?
