December 7, 2018

12/7/18 Temple and Cubs at Feed My Starving Children

This morning Gram, Papa and Heidi and I went to the temple. It was still dark so the temple was lit up nicely.

Heidi and I got a new mattress and decided that it was time for a more space efficient frame.

Heidi sold our old one on OfferUp. David helped disassemble.

Then we loaded a bunch of Cubs plus Rebecca and Joseph and went to Feed My Starving Children.

Joseph weighed the bags to make sure they were not too heavy or too light.

Rebecca tried a couple of jobs. She was a big helper in the weighing department.

Joseph got to practice his numbers.

Brother Beatty was tasked with accounting for our work.

Heidi and Sister Hinton sealed the bags closed.

I helped measure ingredients and took a turn at the sealer.

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