December 8, 2019

12/8/2019 Priesthood and Temple Preview

Today, during Mesa North's Stake Conference, Clyde gave me this Christmas ornament. Things mostly went well from a technology perspective.
This afternoon Sarah got to go to the Priesthood and Temple preview class for all the kids going into Young Men and Young Women next year. Rebecca came too and gave a short talk about her first visit to the temple.

This evening we dropped off the car for a renter. Then we went over to Heidi's parent's house to watch the First Presidency Chrismas Devotional.
I have been praying about what to do for class tomorrow but I kept having a stupor of thought. I felt like it would be ok. Tonight I got an email from the teacher who reserved the Writing Lab out from under me that she didn't need it after all. Now I can go back to my plan A. I am so glad that I didn't spend a ton of time spinning my wheels creating a lesson that I wouldn't end up needing. I am grateful for simple promptings that sometimes only say "it's going to be ok".

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