September 7, 2008

BYU Botany Pond

Every week our ward mother's group gathers together and hangs out for an hour or two.  This week we went to the BYU Botany Pond.  It's a little pond with lots of ducks (like 50 or 60 Hungry Ducks).  It is nice to know that there are still ducks here at BYU even though they filled in the stream that used to go through the housing area where Ganon and I met/ fell in love/ got engaged, etc.  Anyhow, I thought I'd share a few pictures of the kiddos.  

(This little family of ducks had ten babies.  They crossed the street back and forth three or four times while we were there.  It was interesting to watch the cars stop and wait and then the ducks stopped too.  Apparently the drivers aren't used to driving on roads with ducks.)


  1. It is wonderful to see the little ones enjoying wild life. Ducks with their families are so fun to watch. Brings back memories when you were little and we raised ducks in the back yard. Wonderful pictures. Hugs & Kisses, Mom

  2. Heidi you have such an incredibly beautiful family! The Lord has really blessed you. I'm sorry I never called you back the other week when you called me, I was taking classes and trying to graduate this summer and it just slipped away from me! I would still love to see you, if you ever have time. You are still my dear friend and I'm grateful for all the good that has come to you.

  3. Great pics of those beautiful kids. Those of us who lived on "Duck Road" in Hawaii can relate to the ducks crossing the street story. The slower the cars went the slower the ducks walked. Must be a universal duck genetic.

  4. I absolutely adore David and Rebecca!they are so precious and I would like to see some pictures of Sarah also. I remember when my husband George and I were in Idaho there were Quails and their little ones crossing the streets and they were so cute.
    Love you all!!
    Auntie Pat

  5. What beautiful pictures! I'm glad there are still ducks! It was sad when they covered up the little stream... Your kids are growing so fast! It is great to see all the wonderful changes that are coming to your family! I'm so happy for you!
