October 15, 2008

Pumpkin Patch

Our ward's mother's group all met at a local pumpkin patch/ vineyard this week. The kids had so much fun running around. There was a corn maze, a farm animal area, and a playground. It was a fun little outing for not too much money. My only real issue was the field full of vegetables still on the vine that is not being used except for decoration. Anyhow, here are a few pics of the kids.


  1. It must be nice to have other mothers to hang out with while entertaining your kids. I always liked to have other grown-ups to chat with when my kids were little. It helped to know I wasn't alone in my struggles.

  2. Great times for your little ones!
    They are so beautiful!
    Auntie Pat

  3. What more can I say than cute! cute! cute! Love, Mom

  4. that looks like a lot of fun. our ward does a play group thing but i almost always work when they have it or i guess i should say sleeping.
