March 5, 2009


As I was working on our Upcoming Enrichment Meeting, I found this wonderful video on As a woman and a mother I feel like I fall short so often. I try to keep up with all of the creative, talented, hard-working, beautiful mothers I know. Somehow, though, they always seem to be one step ahead of me. I think I need to try harder to do what Heavenly Father wants me to do instead of what others want me to do. This video has reminded me that I can make a masterpiece without having something to show for it--except perhaps my best self. I can work harder on nurturing my children and supporting my husband. I don't have to be perfect at everything else too.


  1. Heidi, This video and your conclusions give good advice for all of us.

  2. Heidi, This video and your conclusions give good advice for all of us.
