April 3, 2009

Mirror Mirror on the wall

We have a great mirror that came with our house (I wouldn't have bought it, but it makes the wall look less empty). It was a brass/gold color. I didn't like it so my sister suggested that I paint it. Yesterday it was warm enough to paint. I hung it on the wall last night. It's nice to not hate looking at that wall now. Anyhow, here are a few pics of the kiddos from the last week.
David at the end of the bouncy obstacle course at BYU's MBA March Madness party.  Free food, fun, and games for the kids.  I love Provo!

Sarah at the Dinosaur playland at the Mall.  She was excited to scoot around a little bit.
Rebecca getting ready to go down the slide.  She doesn't sit still for long when I'm trying to take pictures.  


  1. Hard to decide which child is the most beautiful. Probably tie-tie, as they say in Hawaii. So fun to see a new photo of the Cutest Scooter.

  2. The mirror looks great, good work! And your kiddie pictures are fine, too. Hope you get feeling better soon!
