November 4, 2009

Halloween Fun

Our neighborhood had a trunk-or-treat this year on the 31st. David dressed up as a train engineer. He pulled his "train" (the bike trailer)all the way to the church and around the neighborhood on the way home. Rebecca was a care bear and Sarah was Minnie Mouse (or a caterpillar without her hood on). They enjoyed stopping at the different trunks and getting candy. Ganon and I had to hold Sarah's bag because she kept eating all of the candy (including the wrapper). The kids really got into it on the way home when we stopped at a few homes of elderly couples who didn't make it out to the party. They kept running from house to house. Luckily it wasn't too cold outside either. Overall, I think it was a successful night.

Isn't that a great face?

This was just a cute fall pic from last week. Sometimes the kiddos are helpful. Too bad it is the neighbor's yard.


  1. Cute! Cute!Cute! What more can I say! Love em!

  2. Precious Care Bear. Minnie shows priceless reaction shots. David has the most appropriate costume. He was at home as The Train Guy! Yes, it sounds like your family had a wonderful Halloween.

  3. Well glad you all had fun. We have never attended a Ward Trunk or Treat with our kids, we went once in a CA ward but around here they are still doing the neighborhood thing. Rycharn had the night off so he got to go out and I got to hand out the candy at home. I think a Trunk or Treat sounds easier (less walking and less stairs).

  4. that is too cute love the costumes. love the fall leaves, wish they stayed around here a little longer.

  5. David is such a little Ganon! They are all so very cute! I miss you guys very much!
