September 18, 2011

Summer Update

So, I've kind of dropped off the face of the earth for a few months, but I have a few pictures to prove we are alive and not hermits.

June: Ganon finished his MBA program. Hooray!
Connelly Family Reunion in Rigby. What a great balance of camping and civilization! We slept in a tent but had real bathrooms, kitchen supplies, shelter, etc. Our family loved spending time with the cousins!

Here are a bunch of us before our hike.
July: David turned 7, Rebecca turned 5, We celebrated our 8th Anniversary.
My sister and parents came to visit so we spent some time at the pool. We even got each of the kids to go on the "big slide." They have learned to love the pool this summer.

David and Rebecca celebrated their birthdays with a big friend water party! I think we counted 22 friends! We had sprinklers, a kiddie pool with slide, a slip-n-slide, a mini-tramp, water guns, and the most popular water bottle rocket launcher. It was a blast!!
August: Ganon Graduated with his MBA! He also celebrated a birthday and went to Youth Conference with the youth in our ward. I think they had fun...

We said farewell to Summer with a Hike up the Y. Here we are at the top (well, the bottom of the Y but the top as far as we were concerned.) Look at those happy faces!

We made good time on the way up so this is actually us on our favorite rock on our way back down. We had to wait for the sun to come up over the mountain. The three oldest walked the whole way up! My calves hurt for the next week, but otherwise I think it was a successful hike. School has started and we are getting into a Fall Routine. What are ya'll up to?


  1. This is a high energy family led by two high achieving, loving parents. Heidi skillfully attends to her many responsibilities while caring for the needs of her four high maintenance children. Her motto it seems is "sleeping is overrated". She and Ganon manage to weave fun into their challenging lives. It is impressive to observe.
