Teaching Moment

This past Wednesday during Stake Presidency meeting the topic of teaching was mentioned. I was reminded of a story that my Mother told me about a time she saw my Father being a good teacher. My parents for many years taught a high school media production class. One year they took some of the members of the class on a "photo safari" to one of the outer islands. I those days cameras required film that was sensitive to light and could be ruined if if were mishandled. On the second day of the trip one of my Dad's students came up to him and asked him how to change the film in his camera. My Dad took a moment and showed him how and before long to student was off again taking pictures. After the student left my Mother asked my Father how he had managed to be so patient with that student. She taught with my Father and had seen him instruct the class multiple times how to change the film. His response to her has been instructive to me. "He was ready to learn then". How many times do we miss opportunities to teach because we become impatient just when someone is becoming ready to learn.Anyhow, that is my thought for the day. I hope to be able to write some inspiring stories from our family down so that we can remember them. If all goes well this will be the first.
Mahalo for finding a moment to do a blog post. It is important for all of us to preserve significant experiences and memories in writing. A blog is a good journal tool.