Today David, Rebecca, Sarah and TJ started a new school year. Papa Connelly requested to know what everyone' highlight was so here they are.
TJ said that he loved the books his teacher read to him. One was "The Night Before First Grade.
Sarah reported that her favorite thing was learning that her teacher's favorite children's book is "Because of Winn Dixie". Sarah also really loves that book.
Rebecca's favorite part was going to band class for the first time. The teacher, Mr. Trout, demonstrated all the instruments. Rebecca is leaning towards percussion.
David said "can I just do science for every class the rest of the year?" He came home and immediately collapsed on the floor. Soon after he went to bed. At first Heidi and I worried he had the flu. After a while we realized that he was sick from stress. The next morning, when he woke up, we had a talk with him and he seems to be doing better.
Rebecca, Sarah and TJ were excited to ride their bikes. David rode with Heather in car pool.
Once the kids were off to school I went to the temple. Later on Heidi's parents dropped by to say hi to the kids when they got home from school. Heidi and I tried to help them sync the stereo in their car with their phones. It didn't quite work out I'm afraid. The car system doesn't seem to play nicely with two phones at once. One at a time works just fine but they are hoping for two. Challenging.
Thanks so much for the great reports. We miss those kiddos. Please read Grammas email comments to kids. We're those serious clouds in the bike shot? We heard something about" haboob"