January 21, 2017

1/21/17 Religious Freedom Conference

Today was a quiet one. We started with a family council to make a plan for the day. Heidi headed a team that did some tidying up around the house. I took Sarah, TJ, Joseph and Peter to Costco for groceries. They were very well behaved. We even got complimented by a kind silver haired lady behind us at check out. "You have four very nice children" she said. I decided not to tell her that I have two other nice children at home.
This evening I went to a church meeting at the Stake Center. It was a broadcast that included Elder Oaks of the Twelve Apostles. The topic was on defending religious freedom. Many great ideas were expressed. Two that got me thinking were, first that we can do more than agree to disagree and then give each other space. We can stand up for the other person's right to disagree and ask them to stand up for our right to disagree with them.
Another interesting thought had to do with "being in the world but not of the world". Elder Oaks pointed out that the kingdom of Christ is meant to be like leaven in bread, it raises the whole mass. How can we do that if we don't associate with people who disagree with us? I am grateful to live in a country that allows us the freedom to worship as we choose. I pray that those freedoms will continue in the future and that we will be able to defend that freedom as needed in the future.

1 comment:

  1. Hooray for great kids in Costco and elsewhere! Religious Freedom is thought by some/many to be a label to mask discrimination. It is well that we be aware of this toxic viewpoint when drawn into that conversation
