After visiting 3 more houses and crossing off countless more online we finally found another house worthy to show Gram and Papa. It is the only house we've found so far with a two bedroom In-Law apartment. It is on Fountain street in our next door neighbor stake. It has enough room for all 11 of us and, as our realtor Diane says, it has "space in the right place". We are coming to learn what a needle in a haystack we are seeking.
During our first visit to the house we were accompanied by Amy Hallsted as well as Joseph and Peter. The kids were more than pleased to help us explore all the rooms and make sure that everything was to our liking. The second visit, with Gram and Papa also went well. Papa said that if we prayed and felt good to proceed. In a recent conference talk someone referred to the process of revelation to be more like a sunrise than a light switch. That has surely been our experience with this process. The only concern I have is that the owners appear to be asking too much relative to similar houses nearby. Hopefully they are willing to negotiate. I'm not sure the house would appraise for what they are asking. Well, onto the next step. If it's meant to be it will work out.
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