This morning Cathy and Ben joined Heidi to do an endowment session at the temple. Peter and Joseph and I did a couple of loads of laundry to get caught up.
After school today TJ hit a milestone on his math mission. He has now practiced all of the skills in the 3rd grade mission. He is in the 1st grade. He has 10 skills left to master to complete the mission outright. We are very proud of his hard work.
This afternoon a crew of us went to the temple to do Baptisms for the dead. We had Jon, Ben, Aaron and Nate from West Valley. David and Anthony Roche came along. Ben and I did the baptizing. Heidi was the proxy for the female Baptisms. Lauren wasn't feeling well so Heidi graciously stepped in to fill the gap. Ben reported that these were his first "wet baptisms". He explained that on his mission his companion baptized a couple of their investigators but he had not done one personally. He did 36 today. In all there were 25 women names and 24 men. It does feel more special when you are doing the work for your own ancestors.
Not present, but key to the event, were family historians Marilyn Connelly, Shirley Mangum and Cathy Connelly. Cathy kindly stayed home with the kids so that Heidi and I could both come.
This evening we ate dinner with the Connelly cousins. After dinner we walked down to the grassy field. The kids threw the Aerobee around. After dark we used David's telescope. With Jon's help we had our first success seeing stars through it.
We wrapped up the evening reading a chapter in the Book of Mormon together. It feels good that we've been able to do some quality activities together. I hope that we are making some forever memories.
Important journal entry for a special day of significant spiritual activities. There will be blessings for all involved