The primary order of today was to plant two Mexican plan trees in Heather's front yard. (Ok a little confusing here, Heather owns it Grammie and Grandpa's stuff is in it). It was an all hands on deck affair. In the picture above Heidi and Bradley are digging out the citrus tree that Heidi's dad planted. The HOA rules are very specific. Two "ten gallon" non-citrus trees are required in the front yard or fines get charged. The citrus tree may go to the Ififif house (see Papa's blog) if it lives.
Matt and Sharon came with their trailer to transport the trees. We nongardeners did not have a clear picture of how large a "ten gallon" tree was. It turns out these "15 gallon" Mexican palms could have fit in our van. Still, it was good to have Matt and Sharon's help.
Rebecca and Bradley were each a huge help with digging out old roots from the former dead trees and with moving soil. Each one commented on how surprisingly fun it was to work on this project.

David also helped by picking weeds. He even went to the park to pick weeds. For his next rank he needs "conservation" service hours.
Heather supervised the kids putting soil back in around one of the new trees.
In the end there was a great sense of accomplishment at having planted two good sized trees. Heidi was the hero of the event she got out early and had most of the digging done before I knew she'd finished breakfast. Her hard work and leadership made for a successful event.
This afternoon I took Sarah to a friend's birthday party. It was a little tricky finding it. Sarah practiced her phone skills getting more specific directions within the large apartment complex. While she was there I ran to he Stake. Center to test running HD signal through to two far flung overflows at once. The good news is that it worked. The bad news is that the RS room was too far, apparently, to run through the house lines. We'll have to run our own and possibly boost the signal along the way.
Tough HOA rules! But maybe the bright side would be a citrus tree for IfIfIf😄