Today was another busy day in the Connelly home. TJ is becoming my little jogging buddy. Once he and Joseph were ready for school he asked if we were going to go for our walk. I had started to feel discouraged but felt better knowing that TJ was excited. We jogged down to the park, picked up some trash and threw the Aerobie around for a bit. TJ had to go back for round two at the dentist today. Heidi reports that he was very brave. At this visit, the dentist found another serious cavity so I'm afraid he'll be needing round three as well. Sigh, we are encouraging him to be more diligent about brushing.
I spent the day back and forth between accounting work and helping out at the Inter-Stake Center. We had a meeting with a guy named Ken Dickensheets from Salt Lake about possible tech upgrades. There was a lot to show and he had some good ideas. Hopefully, the meeting results in some needed upgrades.
For Family Home Evening we talked about solving problems. Heavenly Father expects us to do more than simply pray and leave the rest to Him. He expects us to do our part, including learning and trying out solutions until we find one that works. I know that if we trust Him, He will help us through our tough times.
TJ seems to have the problem of soft teeth (sigh). Many dentists have urged thorough flossing as well as brushing. Have we accurately identified the problem? And considered a solution?#fhelesson