A couple of days ago Joseph was horseplaying downstairs and leaped onto our bean bag chair, unaware that Peter was already on it. The two bonked heads and Joseph ended up with a black eye. Peter cried for a while but lucked out without a noticeable mark on him. Tonight Gram showed Joseph the eye patch she had found. He thought it was pretty cool.
One fun Joseph story happened during our FHE when we asked our Conference Questions. I asked, "How can we find greater peace and happiness". Joseph didn't miss a beat. He replied, "You have to go to a place that has a lot of trees that don't have spikes". He is a helpful child and is ready to give helpful suggestions when problems come up.
Another memorable Joseph quote from Monday's FHE. Topic suggestions how to best spend the sabbath. Someone said spend time with your family. Joseph added "and spend time with your chickens--if you have some"