This morning we did something a little bit different at the Temple. Heidi and Gram did an endowment session for two of our ancestors. Papa and I still had 5 more Initiatory ordinances to do so we did those. Papa and I were done well ahead so we spent the remaining time helping in the sealing area. The Temple is a lovely place to spend time and to serve.
This afternoon, we enjoyed a treat of seeing the new Christopher Robin movie. It is charming and well worth the watch. I'm not sure that I agree with all the philosophy in it but I do agree that we need to show our family that they are important and not simply say so.
After the movie, Heidi and I took the kids to do our monthly grocery shopping trip to Walmart. It was a bit of an adventure but we all made it through. I tell Heidi that the kids won't learn how to handle being in the store without practicing. All in all, they did pretty well.
An unusual temple routine for us but satisfying in its own way. Christopher Robin my kind of movie. Glad to include Nate