March 21, 2008

Got a Job...

     Just under two years ago Heidi and I felt impressed that I needed to go back to school. We decided that even though it represented a huge change in direction for us, I needed to study accounting. This was not an easy decision. Working in TV and film has been a dream of mine since I was a boy. Still, as a man I felt that my family was where my happiness lay. We began school and have worked hard learning new skills.
     About one month ago a friend of mine sent me an email about a brand new position at BYU's public television station KBYU. The job called for someone with a few years of TV production experience who also new how to use the company's fancy accounting program to make budget's and keep track of costs. An accountant with TV production skills? I can't imagine that there are too many of us out there. Although this once again represented a paradigm shift for us we prayed about it and felt that the job was made for us.
     To abbreviate an otherwise lengthy story, we applied and we got the job! Hooray! Now I will finish the semester at Weber, start my new job, find a place to live in Provo and get ready for Heidi to have our third child some time mid-April. These are some of the many adventures that lie at our doorstep. 
     We feel that Heavenly Father has been watching over our little family and has taken great care of us. Thanks to those of you who said quiet prayers for us that we might be able to get this new job. This is going to be fun.


  1. Congratulations!!!!! I am truly excited for you all. Kelly told me about it yesterday. You are a great example of faith for all of us. Good luck on this new chapter to your life.



  2. Congratulations Ganon!!
    Auntie Pat

  3. Congratulations! Good luck with the house hunt!

  4. Dear Mr. Accountant with TV Production Skills, If we "Google" this salutation I'm sure the list of matches will be very short. We know that your family has decided to live by faith. We have no doubt that Heavenly Father has led you here. We are proud of you.

  5. We are so happy for you both. It seems like the perfect situation. Don't worry so much about house hunting Heidi. It will work out-it always does. Love you guys!

  6. We are excited for this new adventure for the Connelly family. I am excited to be able to share some of the packing and moving and of course helping take care of the little ones in the very near future. Of course grandpa will be there shortly after baby arrives and will visit for a few days. We love you sooooooooooooooooooo much.

  7. hey bro-toe! that is so much fun. thanks for calling and letting me know. it will be fun to see you guys in a couple of weeks. good luck with everything. if you have any house questions-i'm not a pro but i could help if you needed.

  8. Congratulation! There are so many exciting things going on in your family over these next few weeks! We're so happy for your new job prospect and the new baby!

  9. Wow! Congratulations! What are the odds - it seems like that job was ready for you to take! Heidi - good luck with the end of your long haul with #3!

  10. Hello this Eric, not Amanda. I would like to offically be invited to be a member of you blog group. I would not abuse this privage and promise to vist your blog regularly, and post a comment or two. If this doesn't qualify me as a member please provide requirements as I would like to be accepted as soon as possible. Thanks your brother in law. Eric

  11. Heidi Your little "Baby Calendar" say 19 more days. I want to remind you of a saying that Dad and Ganon used when they hiked in Kauwai. It went something like this: "What's 19 more days?" "19 more days ain't nothing." Please don't fret about our stuff. We'll be there in time to get it out of your way. Mom
