March 7, 2008

I can see clearly now...

We wanted to give an update on Rebecca.  Rebecca had surgery on her eyelid yesterday.  Everything went smoothly, and Rebecca handled everything with very few tears.  She was a brave little girl who won the hearts of the hospital staff.  Rebecca had to have a patch on her eye all day yesterday, but we were able to take it off this morning.  We are pleased with the results and look forward to when the swelling and bruises are all gone.  Aside from hating the regular lubrication sessions to keep her eye from drying out, Rebecca is back to her cheerful self.  We are grateful for the miracles of modern medicine and know that Heavenly Father has helped us through.  


  1. Glad to hear the surgery went well.

  2. Rebecca and I had eye surgery the same day and now we both have black eyes, My left eye had an age related condition that causes the lower lid to turn in on itself and causes the lashes to scratch the cornea and it was very painful. It feels so muh better allready. Give Rebecca a big hug and kiss from Auntie Pat and tell her I love her and hope she is better soon.
    Love to all,
    Auntie Pat

  3. Rebecca and I had eye surgery the same day and now we both have black eyes, My left eye had an age related condition that causes the lower lid to turn in on itself and causes the lashes to scratch the cornea and it was very painful. It feels so muh better allready. Give Rebecca a big hug and kiss from Auntie Pat and tell her I love her and hope she is better soon.
    Love to all,
    Auntie Pat

  4. We have been very cincerned about this surgery. Thanks for the update. We know that her Dad blessed her. We are grateful for the Priesthood. Please give Rebecca our love.

  5. so glad to hear that everything went good. didn't know you were getting it done! good luck.

  6. Wonderful news! I'm so glad that things went well. I can already tell the difference from the umbrella post you did today. She looks great.

  7. Surgery on children isn't any fun. I'm glad that things went well and that you are already seeing an improvement!
