February 12, 2019

2/12/19 New Tech at ISC and the Girls Finish a Puzzle

Gram asked Papa and me to plant her poinsettia plant.

I put in a GPS tracker in the Prius.

We got some new tech at the Inter-Stake Center. Pih Lung and Paul are sitting by the two new audio mixers. This is the part that worries me the most. I have the video part pretty much down. I always tell people that I only know enough about audio to get myself in trouble. Perhaps now is my time to learn.

Here are Andrew and Richard. Behind them is a new video switcher. It is basically like the computer-based one we've been using but should be more intuitive.

Sarah, Rebecca, (and Heidi) teamed up to complete this 500 piece puzzle. They used the cool green cloth so that they could roll it up and put it away when we needed the table for meals.

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