February 9, 2019

2/9/19 Hieroglyph Trail

This morning Heidi and I went to a small service project to help trim some dead branches off an orange tree. Brother Bairn's chainsaw made quick work of the thick branch. Heidi and Brother Mickelson and I helped haul the pieces away and it was done.

After that, Rebecca and David and I joined Matt and Lucy on the Hieroglyph trail. They say it should really be called Petroglyph trail since they are carvings and not drawings. Still, a cool hike either way.

David especially loved the part at the end of the trail where he got to climb around like a mountain goat. Rebecca joined him for part of the explore but he ranged all over.

Here is one example of a petroglyph we saw. Next time I'm taking a better camera.

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