June 8, 2019

6/8/2019 Daddy Daughter Day Dos (aka 2 in Alliteration)

Matt's Ward provided pancakes and sausage for breakfast.

The girls had never seen an egg toes competition before. Sarah said, "Oh, like a balloon toss". Yes, but messier.

Rebecca loved it.

She and I did well in the second round and won the third round. Above is a picture that my friend Ephraim Temple took of the winning throw.
Under the heading of "It's a Small World", Ephraim went to the University of Hawaii at the same time that I did. We used to hang out together at the Institute of Religion. It was great getting a chance to catch up a little bit.

Along the way home, we stopped and took a selfie at the Mogollon Rim. Pretty sure it's my first time using a Selfie Stick. Thanks to Gram and Papa for letting us borrow the Action Cam.

Sarah and Rebecca and I had fun playing Ukulele together (but not me while driving).

Back at home, it was time to get back to work helping with Stake Conference.

David has been teaching Heidi how to troubleshoot his 3D Printer so that she can keep them running while he is at camp. We haven't worked out what her compensation should be ;)

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