June 9, 2019

6/9/19 Mesa South Stake Conference Behind the Scenes

This morning, the kids all sat close together for our family Sunday School lesson.

At Stake Conference, I saw some familiar faces in the crowd.

Sarah and TJ sang a special number with the Primary Choir. The song is called "Choose Him Again". They sounded great.

David ran cameras 3-5 during Conference.

He and Rebecca helped close the protective cameras on the boxes.

It turned out to be a little higher and scarier than Rebecca was expecting but she bravely finished what she started.

The kids were having fun together so I had to snap a shot of them. They are good friends.

After Stake Conference was the first meeting of the Youth Conference Counsel. Bob Wilstead and I were in charge of the ice breaker activity. I think that the kids had fun doing it together.

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