July 8, 2008

Happy Anniversary

So, today is our Fifth Anniversary.  I put a few pictures together as a brief highlight.  Enjoy!
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By the way, Ganon is the best husband and father Ever!  I am very blessed to have him in my life.  Here's to Eternity Together.


  1. Cute online scrapbook. Hard to believe it has been 5 years already. Congratulations.

  2. And Ganon is very blessed to have you. He should tell you that often. And our family continues to be blessed to have you two in it along with David and Rebecca and Sarah. You've done a good five years of quality work

  3. Yeah! Congratulations on your anniversary and a very cute scrapbook. I loved the baby pictures. Especially the 'loads' of fun at the pool. Load of water in the diaper, too!

  4. Happy 5th anniversary! I can't believe it's been 5 years since you were our neighbors! You have a great family with cute little kiddos. Thanks for letting me check out your lives every once in awhile! You guys are great! :)
