July 15, 2008

We're Movin' On

After several months of looking, multiple unsuccessful attempts, waiting for the right place with the right price, performing extensive repairs, and negotiating through five addendums, we are finally officially homeowners.   So we have begun the crazy process of moving... again.  
This whole crazy home-buying process has been an education, to say the least.  I feel like we have learned a lot about priorities, preferences, ideals, and reality.  Most importantly, we have learned to trust the Lord.  The house we just purchased is just around the corner from our current apartment.  We were told that it was for sale the day after we moved in.  Neither Ganon or I felt very strongly about it so we kept looking elsewhere.  Over a month later we felt like we should take a closer look at the place.  Amazingly, the price had dropped $15,000.  What a wonderful blessing.  While this house is not exactly our ideal, and it doesn't meet all of our preferences, we know it is the place for us to be right now in our lives.  We are excited about having our own place and all of the craziness that comes with it.  Thanks to all of you who have helped us (and will help us) get here.  We couldn't have done it without you.

Sorry no pics yet... we're too busy moving...  ;o)


  1. Hip! Hip! Horray!! and Yahoo!!YeHa!
    Well that is about as excited as I can get right now as I am about to retire to my little bed at about 8:30 pm. Temple trip in the early morning and as I don't like to nap in the Temple I best nap in my bed.
    Congratulations to our little family and what new adventures you have ahead. Lots of Love, Mom & Dad

  2. Great news! Good luck in your new home. I know it will be a lot of work but well worth it.
    Aunite Pat

  3. We are very happy for you and hope that it works out to be the place you need it to be. If you need any help just holler. See ya soon.

  4. After just five years of marriage, marked by careful budgeting, you two put down significant savings to qualify, on your own, for your mortgage. We are proud of you.
    Nana would call your little home "cuter than a bug's ear". A feature that I really like is the completely fenced front, side and back yards. So important with your active children.

  5. we couldn't be happier for you guys. good luck with everything.

  6. Nice, I can't wait to see it. Make sure you post some pictures. That is a High 5 for you guys.

  7. Hi kids I'm waiting with baited breath to hear about your new home please put some pictures and comments on your blog
    Auntie Pat

  8. I second the motion, I heard that Mom gave you some great ones that she took.
