Rebecca and Sarah performed in their Fall recital today. We were pleased that Gram, Papa and Becca B were able to make it.
Here is Rebecca introducing herself and her songs. This is a good opportunity for the girls to practice speaking in front of a group. They both did well for their young ages.
Here is Sarah at the keys for her number.
Here is Rebecca. I hadn't known that she was playing two handed songs with chords. That was a nice surprise.
There were a number of kids who performed today. The girl's piano teacher is Mary Phelps. She's on the left in this photo. Her mother Anna is the other teacher over on the right.
After the recital we decided it was high time we got the outside Christmas lights up. David was a big help. Heidi was present to ensure that all was done safely. David decided that it was a little cold for shorts. Still, notice the palm tree in the background, we are grateful to live in Arizona. It was probably only in the 50s not the 20s or colder. It is good to count our blessings.
It is a blessing to have music in our family. Sarah and Rebecca demonstrated that they had been making good use of the piano in their house. We are proud of them. And David we are proud of your courage to climb on the roof and take care of business. Your Dad spent his share of hours on the roof of our house in Hawaii.