Heidi took this picture of Peter on the rocking horse. He played on it for about 10 minutes. For him that's a really long time. It was long enough that Heidi was able to get some laundry hung on the line without having him on her hip.
My highlight of the day was going to the new Star Wars movie with Gram, Papa and Becca B. It is well done although I hope it's not a spoiler that it is sad in a couple of places. It also has many awesome and fun parts. I can't wait to see it with Heidi and for the next one to come out to see what happens next.
All I lost for Christmas is one front tooth. TJ lost his first tooth today. He is so excited and feeling so grown up. He has such a fun positive outlook on life. He helps brighten people' day with his sweet smile.
Character Coin - David was given an award today for helping out a 4th grader. Apparently a boy from David's 6th grade class was picking on a younger kid when David went to the bathroom. David told the older kid to stop it. The 4th grader was so grateful that he nominated David for a Character Coin for respect. He was awarded it at an assembly for the whole school. We are proud of David for having courage to stand up to a bully.
Fun pic of little Peter. I have a fond distant memory (circa 1945) of my bouncy horse. I used to bounce to Aunt Billie's classical music playing on the victrola. I even remember Strauss "Tale from the Vienna Woods". I wonder if Peter would like that. Oh TJ what a bright light you are! David we are so proud of your developing character‼️