March 6, 2016

3/5/16 Eagles, Battleships and Bugs

    This morning Samuel Phelps had his Eagle project. Those of us who are well went to help. Heidi is now sick. She almost never gets sick and when she does she can usually soldier through. This time she went to bed early. She needed to rest most of the day.
      David, Sarah and TJ helped with the Eagle project. Rebecca stayed home and helped her mom with Peter and Joseph. At the project we tied fleece blankets and fancified some flip flops. I didn't catch who they're being donated to but that's what's happening with them. All the kids were big helpers. 
      David helped me prep for my math class by writing a Battleship style computer game that uses trig to aim the guns. It's pretty cool and David made most of it. I just taught him the trig part he needed. Here is the link (you need to be on a computer with Flash for this to work):

1 comment:

  1. Great title for a short report. David congratulation‼️
