It sounds like an evil spell from Harry Potter. Joseph has had these odd bumps on his tummy for some time. Now Sarah has them on her chin and Peter has a couple too. We should've taken Joseph to a doctor sooner but now we have some medicine to treat the bumps. They are related to warts but more contagious. Lame but at least we know how to treat them.
We also had a nice visit from Gram, Papa and Becca B. Heavenly Father has lead us to a house that might be just the hi we need. We had fun talking about it. Lots of prayers will help here as many things need to go right for the house to work out.
Our friend Anna Phelps puts on a kids musical each summer complete with costumes and dance numbers. She asked Heidi to design a kimono costume for the kids. Here is Sarah modeling the first one Heidi made. I think it turned out great!
Sorry about the strange bumps. Hopefully the medicine will help. Re Da House--Ganon wisely reminds us that Heavenly Father knows all things.