May 27, 2016

5/26/16 3.8 Million Words

     They say that a picture is worth a thousand words. This one is worth more. Rebecca read more than 3.8 million words this year. More than any other 4th or 5th grader at Entz. Only a handful of 6th graders read more. If we hadn't insisted she go to bed I'm sure she'd be reading right now. The best part is that she remembers and tells us about what she reads. She's not just blazing through for the sake of a record. She genuinely enjoys reading. We are very proud of her. 
       Today was the awards assembly for Heritage. In a bit of a surprise for me Heidi and I finished grading exams and corrected homework. I was pleased to see that several students did better than expected. I hope they all move on to great things. 
      This evening Brother Gunnell called. His mother in law needed help with her computer. It sounded like something I could help with. Heavenly Father and Google helped. In less than an hour we had her computer running properly again. It felt good to be able to help a neighbor. She kindly gave me a small gift. I used part of it to buy a couple of snow cones at Bahama Bucks. Sour apple with extra cream is Heidi's favorite. It was a nice treat. 

1 comment:

  1. Very proud of Rebecca. We have witnessed some this reading when the family visited with us. And she was always happy to stop and give us report on whatever book she was reading 👏🏻
