Today was a day for catching up on things that got missed while we were on vacation.
The Phelps family kindly took Sarah Mei with them to the visitor's center of the Mesa Temple. Her friend LJ (short for Laura Jo) and her brother Orsen are in the picture with her.
LJ came over to our house to play. Later on Rebecca had a friend over. David entertained them by flying his remote controlled helicopter.
Heidi and I worked to dig out at work. Heidi also finished assembling the benches for the primary program. They are plenty sturdy. Getting them level has been a bit of a challenge. One is rock solid. The others are close but teeter a little. Our neighbor Anthony, who works at a hardware store, gave us a hand. He had better tools and I think he got us closer. Still, we finally had to declare them "good enough". They won't easily tip over even if they aren't perfectly flat. Later in the evening we took the unfinished benches to the church. The Primary Presidency wanted to see how they would fit with the seating chart they made. They will work just great.
Impressive Christus statue! Heidi benches sturdy and well made--not a surprise