October 6, 2016

10/5/16 Gram and Papa Visit

       This morning Heidi and I worked together on a presentation we'll be giving tomorrow. It's for the agents of one our clients to help them learn about tracking their sales and overall bookkeeping. Hopefully it goes well. 
      In the early afternoon we were treated to a visit from Gram, Papa and Becca B. We were especially pleased to see Gram because she hasn't felt up to going out much lately. We hope this is a sign of good things to come. Gram and Sarah worked together on a pen sorting project. When it was time for Sarah to go to Activity Days TJ joined in. They seemed to have a good visit. 
     While Gram worked on her project Papa and Becca B and Heidi and I chatted about future plans. Joseph enjoyed running in a circle and playing keep away with Papa. 
        After Gram and Papa went home it was time for Rebeca Noelani to go to her Activity Days. Heidi went to the hardware store to buy materials to make benches for the Primary program. David had early Mutual playing sports at a home for kids waiting to be placed in foster care. It was a good, busy day. 


1 comment:

  1. Gramma was glad that she was up to make the visit. She enjoyed the time with Sarah and TJ . Becca B and I enjoyed playing with Joseph
