This morning it was my turn to go to the Temple. It is a peaceful place. This morning I felt oddly distracted by work questions. Usually I find it easy to leave the world behind as I enter the Temple doors.
Over the course of the past year Rebecca and Sarah have earned quite a bit of change at their lemonade stand. Grammie Mangum also gave us some pennies that her bank would not accept. Then an anonymous giver left the glass jar on the left on our doorstep. Rebecca and Sarah and TJ counted out the coins and put them into sleeves. Interestingly each jar weighs about 9 pounds even though one has only a third the value of the other. The bank gave me no trouble accepting 18 pounds of change. The lady seemed pleased when I told her about the young entrepreneurs at our house.
The next stop was Walmart. Joseph and Peter entertained themselves by trying on these silly hats.
Exciting and warm hearted penny story. Good for the entrepreneurs ‼️