Tonight was David's fall band concert. In this picture you can see him giving as serious a face as I was able to get him to give. He loves to make his family laugh. A special treat for us is that Gram and Papa and Becca B came along. They usually don't go out for activities that happen after dark. Thankfully this time they decided to make an exception.
The band played five songs. You can tell that they've been working hard this semester. David has been doing well in band this year. He was given the option of moving up to a higher band level. His teacher hoped though that he would stay in his current level because he needed his leadership as first chair in his current band. David opted to stay where he is and wait to move to the higher band until he is older.
Another memorable moment from today involved and David and his cousin Lauren. When David woke up this morning he was feeling the affects of a strenuous PE class yesterday. He felt so sore he wasn't sure if he could make it to school. We decided to let him know that we would love and support him whichever thing he decided. He ultimately decided to be brave and go to school even though he was feeling so sore. When Heidi got the carpool kids to school Lauren did an unexpected service and offered to carry David's trombone for him. David responded very well to the loving treatment and by this evening no longer mentioned his sore muscles. We are proud of him for being tough and not letting adversity get in the way of achieving his goals.
Gramma is especially glad that we hitched a ride in the 15 passenger van to be driven in the dark into the bowels of downtown Mesa where David had his concert. Gramma and David have always been buddies and she wanted to support him