July 22, 2017

7/17/17 Depart MD, Liberty Bell, Mini Golf

Today it was time to bid Adieu to Grammie and Grandpa Mangum. Grammie decided to give David a gift to start a likely Eagle project. He wants to do a "small appliance drive" for a local charity. Grammie gave the first rice cooker.

Tears were shed at the Archive when we came to give final hugs. I didn't get a picture of Grandpa but he was there too.

As we left town we realized that we no longer had Rebecca's ukulele. Michelle Gish found it in her daughter's closet. Kindly she let Lilian get an hour of driving practice in for her permit and she and the kids came to meet us on our way out of town.

David's new friend Cecilia couldn't bare to see him go.

We quickly touched Deleware.

Then arrived in Pennsylvania.

2nd Bank of America.

Independence Hall where the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution were signed. 

We learned that the Liberty Bell is famous, because it is famous. That is, people decided to use it as a symbol of freedom similar to how the American flag symbolizes freedom.







Philadelphia Temple

The stairs Rocky ran up at the Art Museum.

Sarah and TJ playing mini golf at the KOA

Peter loved that the ball disappeared down the hole.

Where did it go?

Rebecca and David were naturals and repeated the 9 holes several times.

1 comment:

  1. Being able to have such a nice visit with Gramie and Grampa was a blessing for you guys and for them. So many shared and forever memories. Philadelphia added memories to your historical folder, already bursting at the seams. Plus a bonus Rocky memory and a mini golf memory to boot.
