This morning, when I woke up, I found all of us in the living room. We apparently were too tired to go to our beds after reading scriptures. It seems ironic that we drove 13 hours and 836 miles, in part so we could sleep in our own beds, only to end up sleeping on the floor.

We took advantage of the relatively not hot of the early morning to unpack and clean out the van.

Heidi is a diligent, hard worker. This morning was no exception. Gratefully the kids helped out to. They were getting better at helping towards the end of our trip so I was glad they didn't forget now that we are home.
I'm having a challenging time adjusting back to the old schedule. There is plenty of work to do and that is good but I miss having some cool new place to look forward to.
Prayers answered--arriving safely after marathon driving day all the way from Colorado 😇🙏