December 30, 2007

Christmas on the Road

We spent Christmas this year in Arizona and California. Some of the fun things we did include looking at the Temple lights at the Arizona temple, playing at Amazing Jake's (a kid-centered arcade place), and visiting a cool train.

The weather was a little chili in Mesa this year, but we were ready for it. It was nice to be almost too warm in my winter coat.

David had lots of fun playing the games and running around. Rebecca wore herself out chasing her brother.

I had a pretty good battle with David at Air-Hockey. His eye-hand coordination was put to the test this time.

David Had lots of fun exploring the "cab-ba-boose" with Gram and Papa that is parked near the motorhome. He kept knocking on the door to see if anyone would let him in, but it was locked.

David and Rebecca also had fun racing their new chevron cars in Grammie and Grandpa's kitchen.


  1. The Bountifuls always work so hard. It's good to see them getting a little break. "Cab-ba-boose" (an accurate David quote) was one of the highlights for Gramma and Papa during the Needles stop .

  2. Looks like you had a fun trip. Glad you were able to spend New Year's with us in Utah. WIth having visited with Heidi's fam, the 3 Auswanders, and Meg's fam. You have done well packing in time with family this holiday season.

  3. looks like you really had a fun trip. sounds like david and rebecca really like there cars, those are fun.
