December 5, 2007

Half Way There...

We had our 20 week ultrasound on Tuesday.  We weren't sure of our due date going in, but the Sonographer measured the baby's head, femur, stomach, and a bunch of other things in order to find out how old the baby is.  So, within the last month our due date changed from what we thought (May 20th) to what the ultrasound shows: April 18th.  It is nice to know I am already half way through my pregnancy.  I was hoping to have a little more time during the second trimester, though, before it gets hard again.  Anyhow, here are a few pictures.  

By the way, if you want to know what we're having just email or call. We don't want to spoil the surprise for those who want to wait to find out.

Also, the top pic is the baby curled up in a ball.  The one on the left is the face, and the one on the right is a foot.


  1. Its always nice to find out that you have a sorter amount of time to go when you are pregnant. better shorter then longer. well i'm sure i'll be calling to find out what you are having. congrats.

  2. I went in to find out a due date when I was pregnant with James, and found out that I was 20 weeks. I didn't even have a video tape to record the event because I was sure that I would be back for a second ultrasound. The ultrasound was about 3 weeks after I found out I was expecting James, I had a much bigger surprize than yours but still shorter is great news.
    Better to know so you can have Rebecca ready. Don't have the baby early on Tax Day! It won't matter while a kid but as an adult they won't want to be doing taxes on their B-day.

  3. It is always great to have less time left to be pregnant. I never had that luxury. I always found out really early and most of my children with the exception of Kimie and Nathaniel were really late. Good luck and congratulations. Jon and I are excited about what you are having.
