January 17, 2008

Homemade Binoculars

Sometimes David needs proper motivation to do certain tasks, such as bathing.  It has required creativity on my part since his favorite things involve playing outside, eating cookies, and watching Blue's Clues.  I don't always like these choices (too cold, too much work, and too much TV).  Today I convinced David that we could make some binoculars if he didn't throw a fit in the tub.  It was lots of fun, except we didn't have enough tubes to make a pair for Rebecca.  Luckily, I remembered that I've been storing left over yogurt cups (who knows why).  I used these to make some Binoculars for Rebecca.  David has been very excited to look out the window and watch the neighbor's houses.  I think he gets window-watching from his mother.  


  1. All of a young Mom's intelligence, creativity and energy is required to care for and enjoy her children. Good job!

  2. what a fun little craft. i bet the kids loved it.

  3. Good creative thinking to make some for Rebecca. I am continually amazed with the art projects that we do at our preschool. Some I have seen before because they come home and others are new to me. We took tubes like David's and put cellophane on the end and the kids loved how it changed the color of everything.
    Next time you are at my house, remind me and I'll share some cellophane. Have some left over from a project I did years and years ago.

  4. Heidi!

    Here's my blog. Like I said, don't expect very much! Your's is so cute!


    Thanks for everything today. It was great to see you. Send me your email address too. I guess I don't have it either.

