January 17, 2008

Riding the Elephant (or horse or lion, or insert other animal name here)

It seems that whenever Ganon lies down on the floor, Rebecca either sits on him or makes him get up so she and David can "ride" on him.  I'm glad that he is such a good sport.  Rebecca still forgets to hold on sometimes, so I get to walk/crawl along side to keep her from falling.  Both David and Rebecca love it, shouting "WHEEE!" and "Faster, Faster!"


  1. that is what dads are for. I just don't make the cut when it comes to being jumped on, oh man!

  2. Wow Heidi. you have so many good ideas to keep your children occupied and happy and also learning all kinds of things.Ganon makes a fine horse, tiger or just plain old ride, Such sweet smart children!
    Auntie Pat
