December 30, 2008

Day at the Museum

We have had so much fun with my sister and her family this week.  They drove up from AZ to hang out during the holidays.  Yesterday we took the kiddos to BYU's Earth Science Museum and Life Science Museum.  Here are a few pics.  This is a Blue-tongued skink from Australia.  My niece Lauren is pointing to where it licked her hand.
Rebecca and the giant alligator skull.
My nephew Bradley and the dinosaur head.
David shaking hands with the giant Sloth.
Rebecca by the big T-Rex.


  1. How fun! Were the kids frightend by the big animals or facinated? I can't seem to spell anymore but you know what I mean, right? Kiss the little ones foor me.
    Love you all,
    Auntie Pat

  2. A "Blue-tongued skink"!!?? Get out of here! Hawaii cock roaches were bad enough. You'll not catch me getting my hand licked by a blue-tongued skink. What a great experience for the children to see such an exhibition. It's a blessing to live near a world class University with it's intellectual community.

  3. These are great pics Heidi. Our family had a fabulous time with you guys in FREEZING Provo. Maybe next Christmas you guys should come to the warm weather and visit us. Love you tons!!!!

  4. Great Pics and we are glad you were able to spend some fun time together. Love, Mom
