January 26, 2010

Anthem Park, AZ

We went to visit my sister Heather in Arizona for Christmas. She lives in a nice neighborhood where you can get a great view of the stars at night (no city lights to worry about). My sister and her three kiddos, my brother Aaron and his wife Emily and their three kiddos, my parents, and our family with our three kiddos all stayed in her three-bedroom house. I wasn't sure exactly how it would work with 17 of us, but it was SO FUN! I loved giving our kids the chance to get to know their "other cousins."

(Not the best pic of us, but I think we're related)

While we were there we tried to spend as much time outside in the sun as we could. One afternoon we went to a place called Anthem Park near Heather's house. It has a playground with slides big enough for the "big kids." I had a great time playing tag and hanging out with my family.
This is us playing tag. Doug (underneath) is "It" so Heather, Aaron, and I are running for our lives.
The girls having fun on the frog/ lizard creature.

David not quite sure what is going on and why I'm asking him to stop.


  1. Another happy blog. Families are so important. It's great you were able to spend time with them

  2. How's it going? How is the pregnancy treating you? How are the new neighbors? Do they go to the family ward? We have appointments in Provo in March so I'll stop by and say hi!

  3. i love your cute little fam! hope you're having a great week!
