March 11, 2010

Nesting Part 1

I am 35 weeks pregnant today and am counting down the weeks until we become a family of 6 (4 wks 1 day). I have been nesting, but not in the usual way. I have not been wanting to wash the dishes or get the baby's stuff ready. Instead I prefer to spend my time sewing stuff for the girls or working in the garden. Here are pictures of my current project. Rebecca is very excited and has been helping me sew her new dress and pants. (I am proud of myself for actually using and following a pattern- it worked pretty well). More nesting pictures will be coming soon.


  1. Oh So Cute! You are doing some great projects. We look forward to seeing those sweet girls in a few weeks in those cute outfits. Lv Ya!

  2. Heidi, Hooray for your nesting. Nothing is quite so satisfying as sewing. Rebecca is blessed to have a Mom who sews. Give her our love. Please keep us posted on #4.
    Love, Mom (in El Mirage)

  3. Glad you have time to sew, I haven't even got time to mend let alone do the fun stuff. Enjoy the new outfits.
